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Cargo Securing & Container Stand


Cargo securing and container stand. Container leveling legs, stacking twistlocks, fastmounts, clamps, and more.

806000N-U00 Trailoc

Originally designed for the United States Marine Corps, this retractable twistlock is well suited for flat bed type trailers.

In Stock: Yes

90401SA-CPA Height Extender

This product was developed for applications where vibration and shock loading to containers or shelters (with ISO corner fittings) are to be minimized.

In Stock: No

AE14000A-1PA Maintenance Stand

Max WLL (lbs.): 40,000 each
In Stock: No

L09A00A-2PG Container Leveling Leg

Min Height: .88 inches
Max Height: 12.88 inches
In Stock: No

N2501BA Series-Standard Fastmounts

Tandemloc Fastmounts are designed to fit standard ISO corner fittings and provide a loose fit lock to allow for accumulating tolerances between the container, corner fitting, and Fastmount.

AE10000A-1GA Twistloc

Double Cone Two Position Twistloc

In Stock: Yes

L09A00A-3PG Container Leveling Leg

Min Height: .88 inches
Max Height: 25.12 inches
In Stock: No