AZ24A00-00A-PA Offset Counterweight Lift Beam
AZ34A00-00-PA Electric Load Leveling Lift Beam
S35000B-1PA Lift Beam
A basic lifter with a 5-ton capacity. Here's a basic lifter that incorporates a selection of lift points and crane pick points to lift a variety of cargo within the 5-ton capacity.
AM23A00-00A-PA Lift Beam
Q0100AA-1PA Lift Beam
Two Crane Lift Beam with Lift Hook
AF11A00-00A-PA Lift Beam
2 Crane Bottom Lift Beam Spreader
AZ02A00-00A-PA Multi-Pick Lift Beam
Multi-Pick 40’ Lift Beam, WLL 60,000 LBS.
AD51000A-1PA Spreader/Lift Beam Combo
Lift from a center padeye or use a 2-leg sling
AB39000A-1PA Spreader/Lift Beam Combo
AK12A00-00A-PA Lift Beam
AL50B00-00A-PA Spreader/Lift Beam Combo
A Tandemloc customer needed a cross between our Multi-Pick Lifting Beam and Spreader / Lift Beam Combo devices, so we did just that. Not only can this lift device be used as a spreader bar or multi-pick lift beam, but it also has several pick-points located along the bottom of the beam for lifting versatility.
AL50C00-00A-PA Spreader/Lift Beam Combo
Also available in stock in a 5 Ton and 10 Ton Model! Tandemloc's first ever multi-pick and spreader/lift beam combination lifting device.
AD49000A-1PA Lift Beam
Multi-Pick Lift Beam
AD11000A-1PA Lift Beam
Another example of a TANDEMLOC multi-purpose lift beam that offers a multitude of lift points. Overall height is less than 26".
S35000A-1PA Spreader/Lift Beam Combo
Combination Spreader/Lift Beam/ Multi pick is the word for this beam! Many top padeyes for lift points and a ton of padeyes for cargo. All sized for shackles. Length, capacity, number of holes - have it your way!
AL12A00-00A-2PA Spreader/Lift Beam Combo
S36000B-1PA Lift Beam
AD29000A-1PA Lift Beam
AA14000A-1PA Lift Beam
AD28000A-1PA Lift Beam
Lift Beam with Swivel Hooks
AD12000A-1PA Lift Beam
K1005CB-1PA Lift Beam
Lift Beam Top & Bottom Sliding Lift Eyes
AK18A00-00A-PA Adjustable Spreader
Adjustable Spreader with Moving Padeyes
Roll Lifter
Here is another example of Tandemloc engineering and designing a custom lifter for one of our customers.
AE06000A-1PA Lift Plate
Lift Plate with Hooks
AK19A00-00A-PA Lift Beam
Aluminum Lift Beam
AE08000A-1PA Lift Beam
Lift Beam with Bevel Ends
AF12A00-00A-PA Adjustable Lift Beam
S35000E-TPS Lift Beam
Lift Beam for Seive & Size Roll
AD16000A-1PA Lift Beam
Low Profile Lift Beam
AH38A00-00A-PA Lift Beam
Lift Beam and Stand
AX17M00-00A-PA ISO Load Leveling Electroloc Lift Frame